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Dialog Boxes

Refer to the following topics for information regarding all of Finale's dialog boxes, how to find them, and what they do.



3-Beam Groups dialog box

4-Beam Groups dialog box


About Finale

Accidental Octave Placement dialog box

Accidental Order and Amount dialog box

Accidental Settings dialog box

Add/Remove Capo Chords

Add Bookmark dialog box

Add Continuous Data dialog box

Add Key Velocities dialog box

Add Measures dialog box

Add Music Font to Symbol Font List

Add Note Durations dialog box

Add SmartMusic Markers dialog box

Add Tempo dialog box

Additional PostScript Infomation dialog box

Adjust Baselines dialog box

Alter Feel - Note Durations dialog box

Adjust Page Range dialog box

AlignTimeTags to Note Starts dialog box

Alter Feel - Key Velocities dialog box

Alteration for Slot dialog box

Alternate Notation dialog box

Apply Articulation dialog box

Apply Human Playback Preferences dialog box

Apply Music Spacing dialog box

Apply Staff Style dialog box

Aria Player for Finale

Arrowheads dialog box

Articulation Designer dialog box

Articulation Selection dialog box

Assign to Staves dialog box

Audio Clip Attributes dialog box

Audio Setup dialog box

Automatic Check for Updates dialog box


Backward Repeat Bar Assignment dialog box

Baseline Shift dialog box

Beam Extension Selection dialog box

Beaming Chart dialog box

Beat Chart dialog box

Bracket dialog box

Bracket Style dialog box

Breath Mark dialog box


Category Designer dialog box

Category Name dialog box

Change Articulation Assignments dialog box

Change Chord Assignments dialog box

Change Chord Suffix Fonts dialog box

Change Clef dialog box

Change Instrument dialog box

Change Lowest Fret dialog box

Change Note Durations dialog box

Change Note Size dialog box

Change Expression Assignments dialog box

Change Note Types

Change Noteheads dialog box

Change Ties dialog box

Change Tuplets dialog box

Character Settings dialog box

Check Graphics dialog box

Check Repeats dialog box

Choose Junction for Staff dialog box

Chord Definition dialog box

Chord Suffix Editor dialog box

Chord Suffix Selection dialog box

Clef Designer dialog box

Clef Selection dialog box

Click and Countoff dialog box

Click Input dialog box

Click Output Type dialog box

Color dialog box

Compile PostScript Listing dialog box

Composite Time Signature dialog box

Create Ending dialog box

Custom Arrowhead Selection dialog box

Custom Frame dialog box

Customize Toolbar dialog box


Dashed Line dialog box

Define Keyboard Shortcut dialog box

Delete Blank Pages dialog box

Delete Element dialog box

Deleted Items Statistics

Diatonic Instrument Definition dialog box

Document Options

Document Options-Accidentals

Document Options-Alternate Notation

Document Options-Augmentation Dots

Document Options-Barlines

Document Options-Beams

Document Options-Chords

Document Options-Clefs

Document Options-Flags

Document Options-Fonts

Document Options-Grace Notes

Document Options-Grids and Guides

Document Options-Key Signatures

Document Options-Layers

Document Options-Lines and Curves

Document Options-Lyrics

Document Options-Multimeasure Rests

Document Options-Music Spacing

Document Options-Notes and Rests

Document Options-Piano Braces and Brackets

Document Options-Repeats

Document Options-Staves

Document Options-Stems

Document Options-Text

Document Options-Ties

Document Options-Time Signatures

Document Options-Tuplets

Dot Offsets dialog box

Duration Allotments dialog box


Edit Bookmarks dialog box

Edit Filter/Clear Selected Items dialog box

Edit Frame dialog box

Edit Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box

Edit Learned Chords dialog box

Edit Major and Minor Key Spellings dialog box

Edit MIDI Modifiers dialog box

Edit MIDI Note dialog box

Edit Modal or Chromatic Spellings dialog box

Edit Page Margins dialog box

Edit System Margins dialog box

Edit Text dialog box

Edit Text (Limited) dialog box

Elapsed Time dialog box

Enclosure Designer dialog box

Erase Layer dialog box

Executable Shape Designer dialog box

Executable Shape Selection dialog box

Exercise Wizard dialog box

Explode Music dialog box

Export Lyrics dialog box

Export MIDI File Options dialog box

Export Selection/Pages dialog box

Expression Assignment dialog box

Expression Selection dialog box

Expression Designer-Main

Expression Designer-Positioning

Expression Designer-Playback

Extract Parts dialog box


File Integrity Test Results dialog box

File Maintenance dialog box

File Statistics dialog box

Fill dialog box

Filter Channels dialog box

FinaleScript Editor dialog box

FinaleScript Options dialog box

Fit Measures dialog box

Fit to Time dialog box

Fixed Split dialog box

Fixed Split Point dialog box

Font Multi - state dialog box

Font Annotation dialog box

Font Utilities dialog box

Frame Attributes dialog box

Fretboard Editor dialog box

Fretboard Instrument Definition dialog box

Fretboard Selection dialog box

Fretboard Shape Selection dialog box

Fretboard Style Fonts and Shapes dialog box

Fretboard Styles dialog box

Full Measure dialog box


Graphic Attributes dialog box

Garritan Ambience dialog box

Group Attributes dialog box

Guitar Bend Options dialog box


Hand Width Split dialog box

Handle Positioning dialog box

Hidden Notes Found

Human Playback Custom Style dialog box

Human Playback Preferences dialog box

Human Playback Preferences - Dynamics & Volume

Human Playback Preferences - Instrument Techniques and Effects

Human Playback Preferences - Garritan Specials

Human Playback Preferences - Glissandi & Bends

Human Playback Preferences - MIDI Data

Human Playback Preferences - Ornaments and Tremolos

Human Playback Preferences - Tempo Variations

Hyperlink dialog box

HyperScribe dialog box

HyperScribe Options dialog box


Implode Music dialog box

Import MIDI data from Clipboard dialog box

Import MIDI File Options dialog box

Insert Blank Pages dialog box

Insert Staff Systems dialog box

Instrument Definition dialog box

Instrument Junction dialog box

Instrument Name Assignments

Intelligent Accompaniment dialog box

Interval dialog box

Items to Snap to Grid dialog box

Items to Snap to Guide dialog box


Key Signature dialog box

Key Step Map dialog box


Last Recorded Tempo dialog box

Launch Window

Limit - Continuous Data dialog box

Limit - Key Velocities dialog box

Limit - Note Durations dialog box

Limit - Tempo dialog box

Line Spacing dialog box

Line Thickness dialog box

Listen dialog box

Listen to Tempo dialog box

Lowest Fret dialog box

Lyrics window

Lyric Window Options


Manage Parts dialog box

Manage VST Plug-ins dialog box

Measure Assignment for Ossia Measure dialog box

Measure Attributes dialog box

Measure Number dialog box

Measure Number Style dialog box

Mid-Measure Clef dialog box

MIDI Event dialog box

MIDI Input Filter dialog box

MIDI Setup dialog box

MIDI Thru dialog box

MIDI Thru Table dialog box

MIDI File Status dialog box

MIDI Tool split window

Mirror Attributes dialog box


More Settings dialog box

More Quantization Settings dialog box

Move/Copy Layers dialog box

Movie Window dialog box

Moving Split Point dialog box

Multimeasure Rest dialog box

Multiple Splits dialog box


New Staves dialog box

Nonstandard Key Signature dialog box

Notehead Settings dialog box

Note Shapes dialog box


Open File dialog box

Optional Octave Region dialog box

Ossia Measure Designer dialog box


Page Assignment for Ossia Measure dialog box

Page Format for Parts dialog box

Page Format for Score dialog box

Page Offset dialog box

Page Setup dialog box

Page Size dialog box

Part Creation Preferences dialog box

Paste Multiple dialog box

Partial Measure Selection dialog box

Percent Alteration Continuous Data dialog box

Percent Alteration Key Velocities dialog box

Percent Alteration Tempo dialog box

Percent Alteration Note Durations dialog box

Percussion Layout Designer dialog box

Percussion Layout Selection dialog box

Percussion Input Maps dialog box

Percussion MIDI Map Editor dialog box

Pickup Measure dialog box

Playback and/or Click dialog box

Placeholder dialog box

Playback Controls

Playback Data Dump dialog box

Playback/Record Options dialog box

Playback Settings dialog box

Position dialog box

Position Measure Number dialog box

Preset Arrowhead Selection dialog box

Print dialog box

Program Options dialog box

Program Options-Display Colors

Program Options-Edit

Program Options-Folders

Program Options-New

Program Options-Open

Program Options-Palettes and Backgrounds

Program Options-Save

Program Options-View

Punch In PreRoll dialog box


Quantization Settings dialog box


Randomize - Key Velocities

Randomize - Note Durations

Rebar Options dialog box

Rebeam to Lyrics dialog box

Rebeam to Time Signature dialog box

Record Continuous Data dialog box

Redefine Selected Pages dialog box

Rehearsal Mark dialog box

Rehearsal Mark Sequence dialog box

Reorder Staves dialog box

Repeat Designer dialog box

Repeats Endings dialog box

Repeat Marker dialog box

Repeat Selection dialog box

Reposition Guide dialog box

Reset Measure Counter dialog box

Reset Tempo Marker dialog box

Resize Note dialog box

Resize Notehead dialog box

Resize Page dialog box

Resize Staff dialog box

Resize Staff System dialog box

Respace Staves dialog box

Rulers and Grid dialog box


Sample List for Executable Shape

Save As Audio File dialog box

Save Library dialog box

Save Tempo Changes dialog box

Scale - Continuous Data

Scale - Key Velocities

Scale - Note Durations

Scale - Tempo

ScoreMerger dialog box

Score List dialog box

Score Manager

Search and Replace dialog box

Secondary Beam Break Selection dialog box

Select Region dialog box

Select Staff System Range dialog box

Selection Overview dialog box

Selective Mirror dialog box

Send MIDI Value dialog box

Set Distances dialog box

Set Duration dialog box

Set Patch to dialog box

Set Placeholder dialog box

Set Swing Ratio dialog box

Set To - Continuous Data

Set To - Key Velocities

Set To - Start/Stop Times

Set To - Tempo

Setup Wizard

Shape Designer dialog box

Shape Selection dialog box

Shift Lyrics dialog box

Simple Entry Options dialog box

Simple Entry Tuplet Definition dialog box

Size dialog box

Slur Contour dialog box

Smart Line Designer dialog box

Smart Line Selection dialog box

Smart Shape Options dialog box

Smart Shape Placement dialog box

Smart Slur Options dialog box

SmartScore Lite dialog box

SmartFind and Paint dialog box

SmartMusic Accompaniment File Compatibility dialog box

SoftSynth dialog box

Sound Map Priority dialog box

Space Systems Evenly dialog box

Spacing Widths dialog box

Special Key Signature Attributes dialog box

Specify Current Lyric dialog box

Speedy Options dialog box

Staff Attributes dialog box

Staff Controls

Staff List dialog box

Staff Setup dialog box

Staff Stem Settings dialog box

Staff Styles dialog box

Staff System Extra Space dialog box

Staff Transpositions dialog box

Staff Usage List dialog box

Standard Frame dialog box

Stem Connection Editor dialog box

Stem Connections dialog box

Suffix Keynumber Offsets dialog box

Superscript dialog box

Sweep For Channels Present In A Track dialog box

Symbol List dialog box

Symbol Selection dialog box

Sync and Video Options dialog box


Tablature MIDI Channels dialog box

Tablature Staff Attributes dialog box

Tap Source dialog box

Tap States dialog box

Tempo Adjustment dialog box

Text Expression Designer dialog box

Text Repeat Assignment dialog box

Text Search and Replace dialog box

There Are Too Many Beats In This Measure dialog box

Tie Alterations dialog box

Tie Contour dialog box

Time Style dialog box

Tilting Mirror dialog box

Time Signature dialog box

Tone Center(s) dialog box

Track/Channel Mapping dialog box

Track/Channel Mapping to Staves dialog box

Tracking dialog box

Transcription dialog box

Transcription Filters dialog box

Transpose Percussion Note Types dialog box

Transposition dialog box

Tuplet Definition dialog box


Undo/Redo Lists dialog box

Unknown Chord Suffix dialog box

Unknown Font dialog box

Update Available dialog box


View Continuous Data dialog box

View Resolution dialog box

Voicing for Staff in Part dialog box

VST Banks and Effects dialog box


Wait for End of Note dialog box

Wait for Foot Pedal dialog box

Wait for Note dialog box

Word Extensions dialog box


Zoom dialog box


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