You are here: Reference > Dialog Boxes > A > Apply Staff Style dialog box

Apply Staff Style dialog box

How to get there

  1. Click the Staff tool  image\Staff_Tool.gif. The Staff tool menu appears.
  2. Select a region of measures.
  3. Choose Staff > Apply Staff Style.

What it does

Note. Prior to Finale 2012, mid-score instrument changes were applied with Staff Styles. Finale now supports these instrument changes directly using the Utilities menu and Score Manager. See To add mid-score instrument changes.

Use the Apply Staff Style dialog box to apply the specified staff style to the selected region. Staff Styles can be any combination of Staff Attributes. If you don’t see any Staff Styles to choose from, you can load the Staff Styles library or create your own (see Staff Styles dialog box).

Tip. To create a Staff Style choose Define Staff Styles from the Staff menu.


See Also:

Staff styles

Staff Styles dialog box

Staff tool



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