You are here: Reference > Dialog Boxes > S > Sound Map Priority dialog box

Sound Map Priority dialog box

How to get there

Choose MIDI/Audio > Sound Map Priority.

What it does

Finale includes several Sound Maps, which are used to link Finale's Instruments with sounds from various sound libraries, including Garritan and SoftSynth. While automatically assigning sounds to Instruments, Finale needs a way to determine which sound you prefer for each Instrument in case the preferred sound library doesn't have a match. This dialog box allows you to prioritize the available sound libraries according to your preference, so you can put your favorite at the top. If your favorite Sound Map does not contain a sound that matches an Instrument used in the document, Finale reverts to the second Sound Map in the list, and so on.

Finale includes Sound Maps for the included Garritan and SmartMusic SoftSynth sounds. In addition to the Sound Maps that accompany the included Garritan instruments as part of your Finale installation, additional Sound maps are available for all VST sounds MakeMusic sells. See our Knowledge Base for more information.

Note. The settings here go into effect when an instrument is added or changed in a document, and are not applied immediately when changes to the priority are made.


See Also:

Sound Maps

Score Manager




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