You are here: Encyclopedia > S > Staves > Setting the attributes for a staff

See also Global Staff Attributes, where you can set the staff attributes for a number of staves at one time. Staff attributes include various settings related to staff display, such as barline handling and whether or not to display certain items like repeat bars or time signatures. To change more general staff properties such as the staff name, clef, and transposition, see Score Manager.

To set the attributes for a staff

  1. Click the Staff tool  image\Staff_Tool.gif. The Staff menu appears.
  2. Select a staff handle, then choose Staff > Edit Staff Attributes. (Or, double-click a staff handle, or a staff name.) Or, choose Staff > Edit Staff Attributeswithout selecting a staff. The Staff Attributes dialog box appears. If you didn’t select a staff before entering this dialog box, choose a staff from the Staff Attributes for drop-down list. (Or, use the arrow controls to select a staff from the Staff Attributes for drop-down list.)
  3. Change settings in the Staff Attributes dialog box to define the staff’s characteristics. For details, see Staff Attributes dialog box.
  4. Click OK to confirm your settings.



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