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Traduction française :


Vous êtes ici : Encyclopedia > Encyclopedia-F





Figured bass

Final barline

Fingering numbers

First and second endings

To create a repeat with first and second endings

To adjust the brackets on a repeat ending

To change the default bracket height for repeats (and set the number font)

To move, hide, or delete a text repeat

To change a backward repeat’s playback definition

To hide the ending brackets and text repeats for a specified staff


To change the character assignment for a flag

To use Straight Flags

To adjust the placement of Horizontal and Angled Straight Flags


Font Annotation


PostScript and TrueType

Where are the fonts installed?

To globally change a musical element’s font

To change music fonts

To change every occurrence of one font to another

To change every occurrence of a font to a different size

To change the music font of noteheads on a staff by staff basis

To eliminate dimmed font names from a document’s font lists

Transporting files across platforms

Engraver Font: The Alternate Notehead Sets

Let Ring Noteheads

“Double-stopped unison” Noteheads

“Trill to” Noteheads

Indeterminate and Determinate “Tone-cluster” Noteheads




Harp Pedaling

Fretboard diagrams

To create or show fretboard diagrams globally

To show and hide fretboards for a region

To show and hide fretboards on individual chords (Manual Input)

To remove all fretboard diagrams

To move the fretboard diagrams up or down

To move fretboards indivudually



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