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Percusion MIDI Maps: SmartMusic SoftSynth

This listing contains all the General MIDI percussion sounds used in the various SmartMusic SoftSynth Percussion MIDI Maps. These percussion sounds are available when using Finale's SmartMusic SoftSynth VST device, or, for MIDI playback, if SmartMusic SoftSynth is chosen as the MIDI Out device in the MIDI Setup dialog box. Whether you are playing back through VST or MIDI, you must also ensure the desired Percussion MIDI Map is selected for the percussion staff under the "Perc. MIDI Map" column of the Score Manager (SmartMusic SoftSynth submenu). This setting in the Score Manager is set automatically when you choose a percussion instrument from the Setup Wizard or add it with the Score Manager. For example, if you choose the "African Percussion" staff in the Setup Wizard, Finale sets the Score Manager's "Perc. MIDI Map" column to "African Percussion" automatically for that Instrument. For more details, see To setup playback for a percussion staff.

For information regarding how these maps are used for input, see Percussion Input Map dialog box and Entering percussion with an external MIDI keyboard. You can view or edit MIDI notes in the Percussion MIDI Map Editor dialog box. See also Percussion Layouts.

Tip: To see the relationship between MIDI Note numbers and pitches on a piano keyboard see the MIDI Note to Pitch Table.

General MIDI

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
27 Laser 60 High Bongo
28 Whip 61 Low Bongo
29 Scratch Push 62 Conga Dead Stroke
30 Scratch Pull 63 Conga
31 Stick Click 64 Tumba
32 Metronome Click 65 High Timbale
34 Metronome Bell 66 Low Timbale
35 Bass Drum 67 High Agogo
36 Kick Drum 68 Low Agogo
37 Snare Cross Stick 69 Cabasa
38 Snare Drum 70 Maracas
39 Hand Clap 71 Whistle Short
40 Electric Snare Drum 72 Whistle Long
41 Floor Tom 2 73 Guiro Short
42 Hi-Hat Closed 74 Guiro Long
43 Floor Tom 1 75 Claves
44 Hi-Hat Foot 76 High Woodblock
45 Low Tom 77 Low Woodblock
46 Hi-Hat Open 78 Cuica High
47 Low-Mid Tom 79 Cuica Low
48 High-Mid Tom 80 Triangle Mute
49 Crash Cymbal 81 Triangle Open
50 High Tom 82 Shaker
51 Ride Cymbal 83 Sleigh Bell
52 China Cymbal 84 Bell Tree
53 Ride Bell 85 Castanets
54 Tambourine 86 Surdu Dead Stroke
55 Splash cymbal 87 Surdu
56 Cowbell 91 Snare Drum Rod
57 Crash Cymbal 2 92 Ocean Drum
58 Vibraslap 93 Snare Drum Brush
59 Ride Cymbal 2    

Row-Loff Marching Percussion

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
36 Bass Drum 5 66 Low Tom Shot/Rim
37 Bass Drum Rim 67 Low Tom Short Roll
38 Bass Drum 4 69 Low-Mid Tom
39 Bass Drum Unison Hits 70 Low-Mid Tom Shot/Rim
40 Bass Drum 3 71 Low-Mid Tom Short Roll
41 Bass Drum 2 72 High-Mid Tom
42 Bass Drum Roll 73 High-Mid Tom Shot/Rim
43 Bass Drum 74 Hi-Mid Tom Short Roll
44 Crash Cymbals Crash 76 High Tom
45 Cymbal Section Crash 76 Floor Tom 1
46 Cymbal Section Hi Hat Choke 76 Floor Tom 2
47 Crash Cymbals Choke Fat 77 High Tom Shot/Rim
48 Snare Section Hits LH 78 High Tom Short Roll
49 Snare Rim LH 79 Spock Drum
50 Snare Section Hits 80 Spock Drum Rim Shot
50 Snare Drum 81 Tenors High Rims
51 Snare Section Rims 82 Tenors Low Rims
52 Snare Section Rim Shots 83 Stick Click
52 Snare Rim Shot 84 Crash Cymbal
53 Snare Guz Short 85 China Cymbal
54 Snare Guz Long 86 Cowbell
55 Snare Rim Shot (Both Hands) 87 Low Agogo
56 Snare Rim Shot LH 88 High Agogo
57 Snare Section Cross Shots 89 Claves
57 Snare Cross Shots 90 Vibraslap
58 Snare Section Rim Shots (Both Hands) 91 Tambourine
59 Stick Clicks 92 Cabasa
59 Snare Section Cross Sticks 93 Conga Dead Stroke
59 Snare Cross Stick 94 Conga
60 Snare Section Buzz Rolls 95 Conga Bass Tone
60 Snare Buzz Roll 96 Kick Drum (2)
60 Snare Roll 97 Triangle Mute
61 Ride Bell 98 Triangle Open
62 Ride Cymbal 99 Whistle Short
63 Hi-Hat Open 100 Whistle Long
64 Hi-Hat Closed 101 Large Gong
65 Low Tom    

Orchestral Percussion

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
27 Hi-Hat Closed 64 Tumba
28 Hi-Hat Foot Splash 65 High Timbale
29 Hi-Hat Open 66 Low Timbale
30 Ride Cymbal 67 High Agogo
31 Stick Click 68 Low Agogo
34 Snare Cross Stick 69 Cabasa
35 Kick Drum 70 Maracas
36 Bass Drum 71 Whistle Short
37 Bass Drum LH 72 Whistle Long
38 Snare Drum 73 Guiro Short
39 Castanets 74 Guiro Long
40 Snare Drum LH 75 Claves
54 Tambourine 76 High Woodblock
55 Splash Cymbal 77 Low Woodblock
56 Cowbell 78 Cuica High
57 Crash Cymbal 2 79 Cuica Low
58 Crash Cymbal 80 Triangle Mute
59 Ride Cymbal 2 81 Triangle Open
60 High Bongo 82 Shaker
61 Low Bongo 83 Sleigh Bell
62 Conga Dead Stroke 84 Bell Tree
63 Conga    

  Built in GM

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
28 Whip 60 High Bongo
29 Scratch Push 61 Low Bongo
30 Scratch Pull 62 Conga Dead Stroke
32 Metronome Click 63 Conga
34 Metronome Bell 64 Tumba
35 Bass Drum 65 High Timbale
36 Kick Drum 66 Low Timbale
37 Snare Cross Stick 67 High Agogo
38 Snare Drum 68 Low Agogo
39 Hand Clap 69 Cabasa
40 Electric Snare Drum 70 Maracas
41 Floor Tom 2 71 Whistle Short
42 Hi-Hat Closed 72 Whistle Long
43 Floor Tom 1 73 Guiro Short
44 Hi-Hat Foot 74 Guiro Long
45 Low Tom 75 Claves
46 Hi-Hat Open 76 High Woodblock
47 Low-Mid Tom 77 Low Woodblock
48 High-Mid Tom 78 Cuica High
49 Crash Cymbal 79 Cuica Low
50 High Tom 80 Triangle Mute
51 Ride Cymbal 81 Triangle Open
52 China Cymbal 82 Shaker
53 Ride Bell 83 Sleigh Bell
54 Tambourine 84 Bell Tree
55 Splash cymbal 85 Castanets
56 Cowbell 86 Surdu Dead Stroke
57 Crash Cymbal 2 87 Surdu
58 Vibraslap 91 Snare Drum Rod
59 Ride Cymbal 2 93 Snare Drum Brush

African Percussion

MIDI Note Number Note Type
36 Djembe
37 Djembe Fingertips
38 Djembe Slap
39 Djembe Bass Tone
40 Djembe (2)
41 Djembe Fingertips (2)
42 Djembe Slap (2)
43 Djembe Bass Tone (2)
44 Shekere Bass Tone
45 Shekere Down
46 Shekere Up

Brazilian Percussion

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
36 Surdu 65 Tambourim Virado Down Dead Stroke
37 Surdu Dead Stroke (Hand) 66 Tambourim Virado Up Dead Stroke
38 Surdu Dead Stroke 67 Tambourim (2)
39 Surdu Rim 68 Tambourim Fingertip (2)
40 Surdu (2) 69 Tambourim Dead Stroke (2)
41 Surdu Dead Stroke (Hand) (2) 70 Tambourim Rim Shot (2)
42 Surdu Dead Stroke (2) 71 Tambourim Virado Down (2)
43 Surdu Rim (2) 72 Tambourim Virado Up (2)
44 Surdu (3) 73 Tambourim Virado Down Dead Stroke (2)
45 Surdu Dead Stroke (Hand) (3) 74 Tambourim Virado Up Dead Stroke (2)
46 Surdu Dead Stroke (3) 75 Pandeiro Open Thumb
47 Surdu Rim (3) 76 Pandeiro Open Fingertips
48 Repinique 77 Pandeiro Open
49 Repinique Rim 78 Pandeiro Open Slap
50 Repinique Slap 79 Pandeiro Closed Thumb
51 Repinique Hand 80 Pandeiro Closed Fingertips
52 Repinique Fingers 81 Pandeiro Closed
53 High Small Agogo 82 Pandeiro Closed Slap
54 Low Small Agogo 83 Pandeiro Jingles
55 Small Agogo Press Sound 84 Pandeiro Open Thumb (2)
56 High Agogo 85 Pandeiro Open Fingertips (2)
57 Low Agogo 86 Pandeiro Open (2)
58 Agogo Press Sound 87 Pandeiro Open Slap (2)
59 Tambourim 88 Pandeiro Closed Thumb (2)
60 Tambourim Fingertip 89 Pandeiro Closed Fingertips (2)
61 Tambourim Dead Stroke 90 Pandeiro Closed (2)
62 Tambourim Rim Shot 91 Pandeiro Closed Slap (2)
63 Tambourim Virado Down 92 Pandeiro Jingles (2)
64 Tambourim Virado Up    

Cuban Percussion

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
36 Quinto Bass Tone 74 High Timbale Rim
38 Quinto Dead Stroke 76 High Woodblock
40 Quinto Slap 77 Low Timbale Edge
41 Quinto 79 High Timbale Edge
43 Conga Bass Tone 81 Large Cowbell
45 Conga Dead Stroke 83 Large Cowbell Tip
47 Conga Slap 84 Cha Cha Bells
48 Conga 86 Cha Cha Bells Tip
50 Tumba Bass Tone 88 Ride Cymbal
52 Tumba Dead Stroke 89 Crash Cymbal
53 Tumba Slap 91 Cowbell (High Agogo)
55 Tumba 93 Cowbell Tip (Low Agogo)
57 High Bongo High Tone 95 Guiro Down Up (Metal Guiro Long)
59 High Bongo Slap 96 Guiro Long
60 High Bongo Mute 98 Guiro Up Short
62 High Bongo 100 Guiro Short
64 Low Bongo 101 Guiro Up Long (Plastic Guiro Long)
65 Kick Drum 103 Claves
67 Low Timbale 105 Claves (2)
69 Low Timbale Hand 107 High Maraca
71 Low Timbale Mute 108 Maracas
72 High Timbale    

World Percussion

MIDI Note Number Note Type MIDI Note Number Note Type
36 Cajone (2) 44 Cajone Low
37 Cajone Fingertips (2) 45 Cajone Corner
38 Cajone Dead Stroke (2) 46 Cajone (3)
39 Cajone Slap (2) 47 Cajone Fingertips (3)
40 Cajone Low (2) 48 Cajone Slap (3)
41 Cajone 49 Cajone Low (3)
42 Cajone Fingertips 50 Hand Clap
43 Cajone Slap 51 Hand Clap (2)



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