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Traduction française :


Vous êtes ici : Encyclopedia > C > Clefs


See also Courtesy clef changes. 

The clefs in Finale are intelligent: if you change a clef, the music that follows it is automatically renotated to reflect the change. Finale can use eighteen different kinds of clefs per piece, shown below (see To design a new clef, below), but you can re-define any of these symbols or their effects on the notated music.


To set the starting clef for a staff

To insert a clef change at the beginning of a measure

To apply a clef change to a region of measures

To insert a mid-measure clef change

To change a clef you’ve inserted in mid-measure

To change the default clef

To hide a clef

To design a new clef

To design a shape clef

To change the horizontal positioning of starting clefs

To globally change the position and size of inserted clefs

To specify the location of key-signature accidentals in a nonstandard clef


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