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Traduction française :


Vous êtes ici : Encyclopedia > A > Articulations > To put one articulation mark in the score

To put one articulation mark in the score

  1. Click the Articulation Tool  . Click on, above, or below a note. (If you are using voices, click above the staff for Voice 1 and below for Voice 2.) The Articulation Selection dialog box appears.
  2. Double-click the symbol you want.

Or, to add an articulation while entering music in Simple Entry:

  1. Choose the Simple Entry Tool  .
  2. Select a note and press numpad * or Alt-A and press an articulation metatool key to add an articulation to the note. For example, A for an accent, S for staccato, etc. Click Select (or press Enter) to open the Articulation Selection dialog box where you can choose from a list of articulations. (Note the metatool assignment appears in the upper right corner of each articulation in the Articulation Selection dialog box.)
  3. Press Ctrl-numpad * or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A and then press an articulation metatool key (or click select or press Enter to choose an articulation) to add a sticky articulation to the caret and mouse cursor. Now, the chosen articulation will appear on all notes entered until the sticky articulation is removed. Press Ctrl-numpad * or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A again to remove the articulation from the caret and mouse cursor.



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