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Enhancing efficiency with keyboard shortcuts and the Filter.

Finale includes many features that allow you to work more efficiently. In this tutorial we will touch on a few of them.

In this lesson you will learn how to:

  1. Enter markings faster using Metatools
  2. Copy and paste specific score elements using Finale’s Filter

Note. To begin at this point, open "Tutorial 6c.MUS."

Adding articulations using Metatools

Even with the option to add multiple articulations at once, clicking through selection dialog boxes can be time consuming. Fortunately, Finale has built-in programmable keyboard shortcuts called Metatools that can make entering markings lightning-fast.

Articulation Selection dialog box - What it does:

In the upper right hand corner of each articulation frame is a letter or number. This is the Metatool for that articulation. Use these shortcuts to enter articulations with a single click, rather than selecting them from the list.

To add articulations using metatools:

  1. Select the Articulation tool .
  2. Hold down the E key and click on beat 3 in measure 10, top staff.
  3. While still holding down E, click on beat 4. Now, let's apply multiple articulations to the same beats in the Clarinet staff.
  4. While holding down E, click and drag to surround beats 3 and 4 of measure 10 in the Clarinet staff. Tenuto marks appear on all the enclosed notes.
Watch video "Adding articulations using metatools."

Adding rehearsal marks using Metatools

Finale's rehearsal mark is one of the most useful Expressions, especially when added with a Metatool. Rehearsal marks added this way are smart and ordered consecutively, and even update as you add or remove them.

To add rehearsal marks using Metatools:

  1. Select the Expression tool .
  2. Hold down M and click on measure 4 (any staff).
  3. While still holding down M, click on measure 9.
  4. While still holding down M, click on measure 13.
Watch video "Adding rehearsal marks using Metatools."

Note. Other expressions, Smart Shapes, and may other items can be added using Metatools. Additionally, you can program Metatools to use custom keystrokes. See Metatools for more information.

Using the Filter

Another way to speed-up entry of markings is to copy them from one measure to another. Imagine you wanted the same articulations and pedaling in measure 9 that you already have in measure 1. Finale’s filter option gives you control over what you copy.

To copy specific score elements with Finale's Filter:

  1. Select the Selection tool .
  2. Select measures 1-3 in the Voice through the bottom Piano staff. (Click on measure 1 of the top staff, then SHIFT-click measure 3 in the bottom Piano staff.)
  3. Choose EditEdit Filter. The Edit Filter dialog box appears.

Edit Filter – What it does:

This windows shows all the elements in your score that Finale will copy when you use copy and paste. You can select individual elements to speed up editing.

  1. Click None to deselect everything.
  2. Check Articulations and Smart Shapes (both boxes).
  3. Click OK.
  4. Type CTRL+C
  5. Click on measure 9, top staff (so the measure is selected).
  6. Type CTRL+V. Even though the notes are different in this measure, Finale correctly applies the tenuto markings in measures 9 and 11, and adds the pedal markings.
Watch video "Using the Filter."
  1. We don't really need the pedal markings in measures 9 and 10. Click them and press DELETE to remove them.

Note. As you’re entering markings, you can use each individual tool to adjust their position on the page. However, you can also use the Selection tool to move any marking.

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