You are here: Encyclopedia > S > Staff styles > Applying a staff style

To apply a staff style

  1. Click the Staff tool  image\Staff_Tool.gif. The Staff menu appears.
  2. Select the region you want to affect. See Selecting music for hints on selecting shortcuts.
  3. Press the Metatool key, (for example, S for Slash Notation). Finale applies the staff style over the range or measures you selected for the score and corresponding part(s). (Hold down CTRL+SHIFTwhile pressing the metatool to apply the staff style to the currently visible score/part(s) only). See the Staff Style library in the Appendix for a listing of metatool assignments in the default file. If you don’t know the metatool, use the steps below. See also Staff Style Metatools.
  4. Choose Staff > Apply Staff Style To > Score and Parts (or Current Part/Score). You can also select these options from the contextual menu by right-clicking in the staff. The Apply Staff Style dialog box appears.
  5. Select the staff style you wish to apply. The staff style appears on the score and corresponding part(s). Hold down CTRL+SHIFT while choosing a staff style to apply it to the currently visible score/part only. See also Staff Styles in Linked Parts.
  6. Click OK.



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