You are here: Encyclopedia > P > Playback > Specifying playback parameters

To adjust Finale’s playback interpretation of a score, you can adjust the Human Playback settings located in the Playback Settings dialog box. Human Playback overrides all performance data, MIDI tool data, and other playback information deliberately added to the score (with the exception of MIDI data set to “Incorporate” in the Human Playback Preferences dialog box). Therefore, if you would like to listen to a performance as it was recorded, or if you would like to playback performance details added to the score with the MIDI or Expression Tool, set Human Playback to None. To do this:

To specify playback parameters

  1. Choose Window > Playback Controls. Playback Controls appears.
  2. Click the Playback Settings button. The Playback Settings dialog box appears, offering additional controls.
  3. Choose Human Playback Style > None.
  4. Close out to the Playback Settings. When you play back your score with Human Playback disabled, Finale checks the Playback/Record Options to find out certain playback parameters, as described here.
  5. Choose Document > Playback/Record Options. The Playback/Record Options dialog box appears.
  6. Select the playback parameters you prefer from the Playback/Record Options dialog box. Choose Chase from First Measure(from the Dynamics and Markings drop-down list) if you want Finale to quickly scan your piece and “chase” any expression markings that occurred earlier in the piece up to the point you clicked. These might include tempo, dynamics, patch changes, and so on; select this option if you’re starting playback in the middle of the piece and want these playback variables to be current (and transmitted to your synthesizer) as of the starting point you clicked. If you choose Reset instead, Finale will ignore any changes that have occurred prior to this point in the score, and will begin playing based on the markings available in the measure you clicked. Choose Use Current Settings if you’ve interrupted playback at a certain spot, and now want to continue using the expression settings in effect when you stopped playback. Click Ignore Repeats if you want Finale to play through repeat barlines (and text repeats) as though they didn’t exist. Select Reset Repeats if you want such repeats to be “set to zero” each time you begin playback again. If you don’t specify Reset Repeats, Finale will remember how many times each repeat has been “activated.” If you’re proofreading a score by playing one section at a time, you will want Finale to “remember its place” each time you stop, so you probably won’t want to select this option. Next, specify any captured MIDI data you want to incorporate into the playback. Captured MIDI data is captured from a real-time performance in the Transcription Mode, created with the MIDI tool, or imported in a standard MIDI file from another sequencer. Select Play Recorded Key Velocities and Play Recorded Note Durations if you want the playback to incorporate the key velocity (volume) information and Start and Stop Time data (tiny anticipations or delays of the beat such as rolled chords and swing) from the original performance. Select Play Recorded Continuous Data if you want the playback to use the pedaling, pitch wheel, and other MIDI continuous data information from the original performance. Check Send Patches to MIDI Device on Playback if you want Finale to send initial patch settings to your synthesizers before beginning the playback. The initial patch settings are determined by the Score Manager (see Patches).
  7. Click OK (or press ENTER).



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