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Keyboard Shortcuts and Special Mouse Clicks

Commands that are new or have changed in Finale 2012 are marked by a bullet (·).

File menu

Graphics Tool

Page Layout Tool

Special Tools Tool

Edit menu

Hand Grabber Tool


Staff Tool

Window menu

HyperScribe Tool

Repeat Tool

Text Tool

View menu

Transcription Mode

Resize Tool

Tuplet Tool

Utilities menu

Lyrics Tool

Selection Tool

Zoom Tool

Articulation Tool

Measure Tool

Simple Entry Tool


Chord Tool

Mirror Tool

Simple Entry Laptop


Clef tool

Note mover Tool

Smart Shape Tool


Expression Tool

Ossia Tool

Speedy Entry Tool


File menu


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Launch Window


New (default new action)








Print Score




Edit menu


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click





Undo/Redo List




Cut to Clip File

Press CTRL+X when choosing Cut

Copy (to the Clipboard)




Copy to Clip File

Press CTRL when choosing Copy+C

Insert From Clip File

Press CTRL when choosing Insert

Insert and Filter


Insert and Filter from Clip File

Press CTRL+SHIFT while choosing Insert



Paste Multiple (from the clipboard)


Paste (paste from a Clip file)

Press CTRL when choosing Paste

Paste Multiple using the one-click method

Highlight the source measures. Press ALT+CTRL and click the target measure. The Paste Multiple dialog box appears.

Paste and Filter

SHIFT+CTRL+V. The Edit Filter dialog box appears where you can choose which items you would like to paste.

Use Filter


Edit Filter


Paste and Filter from Clip Files

Press SHIFT+CTRL while choosing Paste. The Edit Filter dialog box appears where you can choose which items you would like to paste.

Delete Measure Stack

Delete (with a stack selected)

Select All


Update Layout and remove measure groupings


Clear All Items

BACKSPACE (Laptops Fn-6)

Set SmartFind Source Region


Deselect SmartFind Source Region


Apply SmartFind and Paint


Utilities menu


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Update Layout



CTRL+6 through 9

Program a Transposition

SHIFT+CTRL+6 through 9

Lock Systems

CTRL+L (Or, with the Selection tool selected, press L to lock Systems).

Unlock Systems

CTRLSHIFT+ U (Or, with the Selection tool selected, press U to unlock Systems).

Apply Note Spacing

CTRL+4 (Or, with the Selection tool selected, press 4)

Apply Beat Spacing

CTRL+ 5 (Or, with the Selection tool selected, press 5)

Fit Measures


Implode Music

1 (With Selection tool selected)

Explode Music

2 (With Selection tool selected)

Check Elapsed Time

3 (With Selection tool selected)

Window menu


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Show/Hide Main Tool Palette


Switch between open windows


Open/Close Mixer


View menu


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Page View

CTRL+E (see also Page View)

Scroll View


Studio View


End Position

END key

Redraw Screen


Zoom In

CTRL++ (plus sign) or hold down CTRL+SHIFT and right-click

Zoom Out

CTRL+- (minus) or hold down CTRL+SHIFT and right-click

Custom Zoom 2


Custom Zoom 1


Custom Zoom 3


View At X %


Fit Width


Fit in Window


Add Bookmark


View At Last Size

Double-right-click on the score

Define a Staff Set

Press CTRLwhen choosing Staff Set (in Scroll View or Studio View)

Show/Hide Rulers


Change layers

ALT+SHIFT+layer number (1-4)

General Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

OK all open dialog boxes

CTRL-click the OK button

Cancel all open dialog boxes

CTRL-click the Cancel button

"Add Again" Metatool (adds the previously added marking)

Press - (hyphen) and click the score

Apply a Metatool

Press a number or letter and click the score

Program a Metatool

Press SHIFT+number or SHIFT+letter

Program a keyboard equivalent for a tool

Press SHIFT+Function key (F2-F12)

Switch to a tool you’ve programmed

Press Function key (F2-F12)

Select Yes or No in dialog boxes

Type N for “No” and Y for “Yes”

Show Active Layer Only


Open Document Options


Move up a full screen (page view)


Move down a full screen (page view)


Move to previous page (page view)


Move to next page (page view)


Advance one increment up vertically


Advance on increment down vertically


Move left one screen (page view)


Move right one screen (page view)


Move to beginning (page view)


Move to end (page view)


Move to the top/left of the leftmost viewable page


Move to the bottom/right of the rightmost viewable page


Advance one increment right horizontally (page view)


Advance one increment left horizontally (page view)


Move forward screenfull of measures (scroll view)


Move backward screenfull of measures (scroll view)


Move to beginning of score (scroll view)


Move to end of score (scroll view)


Change layers

ALT+SHIFT+layer number

Articulation Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Articulation Selection dialog box

Click on, above, or below a note or rest that doesn’t have an articulation attached, or click on a note whose articulation handles are visible, OR drag-enclose a group of notes with or without articulations.

Select an articulation

Click, or SHIFT-click the handle.

Delete an articulation

Select the handle and press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu. Drag-enclose a group of notes while holding delete to delete articulations on all the notes.

Display the Articulation Designer dialog box

Double-click an articulation handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Articulation Definition from the contextual menu.

Highlight the note to which the articulation is assigned

ALT-click and hold a handle of an articulation.

Chord tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display positioning triangles

Click the staff (but not on a note or rest)

Display the Chord Definition dialog box

Click a note with no chord symbol attached (With Manual Input selected in the Chord menu), or double-click a chord symbol handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Chord Definition from the contextual menu.

Delete a chord symbol

Select the handle and press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu

Input chord symbols using MIDI keyboard

With Allow MIDI Input checked, click a note and play chord on the MIDI keyboard

Analyze chord in one or two staves

With One- or Two-Staff Analysis selected in the Chord menu, click on a note in the chord.

Select a Suffix (type into score mode)

Type root followed by :0

Clef tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Change Clef dialog box

Double-click in a measure)

To change the clef for a region

Select the region (if you want a mid-measure clef, select a part of a measure) and then double click the highlighted region.

To change the clef from a measure to the next clef change

Double-click an unselected measure or a fully selected measure.

Adjust the mid-measure clef position

Drag the handle of the mid-measure clef

Delete a mid-measure clef

Select the handle and press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Change a mid-measure clef to another clef

Double-click the mid-measure clef’s handle and drag left or right, or right-click the handle and select Edit Clef Definition.

Expression Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Expression Selection dialog box

Double-click on, above, or below a measure or note.

Select an expression handle

Click, or SHIFT-click to select multiple handles or press CTRL+A to select all available handles.

Move selected expression and attachment point

Drag the selected handles

Move the expression without changing the attachment point

ALT+drag the selected handles

Add selected expression to adjacent staff. (Non-Score List expressions only)

Select an expression handle and press CTRL+Up arrow or CTRL+Down arrow to add the expression to the staff above or below (respectively).

Add selected expression to all staves above/below. (Non-Score List expressions only)

Select an expression handle and press CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END to add the expression to all staves above or below (respectively).

Add selected expression to all staves. (Non-Score List expressions only)

Select an expression handle and press CTRL+ALT+ENTER to add the expression to all staves.

Add selected expression to specific staves. (Non-Score List expressions only)

Select an expression handle and press CTRL+ALT+ENTER to add the expression to all staves.

Delete selected expressions

Press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Resize a shape expression

Double-click an expression handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Score Shape Expression Graphically from the contextual menu.

Display the Expression Designer dialog box

Double-click an expression handle (text expression), or right-click the handle and select Edit Expression Definition from the contextual menu.

Display the Shape Expression Designer dialog box

CTRL+double-click an expression handle (shape expression), or right-click the handle and select Edit Shape Expression Definition from the contextual menu.

Display the Expression Assignment dialog box

SHIFT+double-click an expression handle, or right-CONTROL-click the handle and select Edit Expression Assignment from the contextual menu.

Highlight the note/measure to which the expression is attached

Hold down ALT and click the expression’s handle.

To quickly change one expression to another using metatool shortcuts

Highlight the Expression handle and double-press the metatool key corresponding to the expression you want to switch to

Graphics Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Align Left

CTRL+SHIFT+ [ (left square bracket)

Center Horizontally

CTRL+SHIFT+ ' (apostrophe)

Align Right

CTRL+SHIFT+ ] (right square bracket)

Align Top

CTRL+ - (minus)

Center Vertically

CTRL+SHIFT+ = (equals)

Align Bottom

CTRL+SHIFT+ - (minus)

Place a graphic in the Shape Designer

Click in the Shape Designer display area, the Place Graphics dialog box appears

Select a graphic or graphics

Click a graphic or drag-enclose graphics, SHIFT-click a graphic

Display the Graphic Attributes dialog box

CTRL+SHIFT+ T or dDouble-click a graphic

Place a graphic in the score

Double-click in the score, the Place Graphics dialog box appears

Select a region containing the musical example to export

Double-click and drag to enclose a region in Page View

· Resize selection rectangle proportionally

SHIFT-click and drag a corner editing handle.

Delete the selected graphics

Press DELETE for one or more selected graphics

Adjust the graphic’s position in the score

Drag a selected graphic

Resize the graphic horizontally or vertically

Drag a graphic’s bounding handle

Resize the graphic proportionally

SHIFT-click and drag a corner editing handle

Hand Grabber Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Temporarily switch to Hand Grabber Tool

Press the right-button (and drag in the score)

HyperScribe Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Indicate where to begin transcription

Click a measure

End HyperScribe in the middle of a measure

CTRL-click anywhere on the score

Transcription Mode


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Transcription window

Click a measure or CTRL-click a measure if you had Transcribe in Measures selected while transcribing

Transcribe a measure at a time

Click a measure with Transcribe in Measures selected

Lyrics Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Click Assign lyrics one syllable at a time

Click within the staff lines at the position of the note

Click Assign lyrics all at once

CTRL-click within the staff lines at the position of the first note

Display a Word Extension handle

Select Lyrics menu > Edit Word Extension or click on the Edit Word Extension button () in Lyrics Window

Move Syllables

Select Lyrics menu > Adjust Syllables or click the Adjust Syllables button () in the Lyrics Window. Click and drag handle

Move to the previous or next verse, chorus or section.

UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWusing Type into Score

Left Justify syllable

CTRL+ [ (left square bracket) (with Adjust Syllables Selected)

Right Justify syllable

CTRL+ ] (right square bracket) (with Adjust Syllables Selected)

Center Justify syllable

CTRL+ ' (apostrophe) (with Adjust Syllables Selected)

Align syllable block to the Left

CTRL+SHIFT+ [ (left square bracket)

Center syllable block Horizontally

CTRL+SHIFT+ ' (apostrophe)

Align syllable block to the Right

CTRL+SHIFT+ ] (right square bracket)

Disable "floating" syllable

Click the Adjust Syllables button () in the Lyrics Window, then right-click a syllable handle and choose Align Default and Justify Default.

Measure Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Add Measures dialog box

CTRL-click the Measure tool, or right-click the Measure tool and select Add Measures from the context menu

Add single blank measure to the score

Double-click the Measure tool, or right-click the Measure tool and select Add One Measure from the context menu

Display the Measure Attributes dialog box

Double-click the top barline handle or measure, or right-click a handle (or upper handle) and select Edit Measure Attributes from the contextual menu.

Make the Measure wider or narrower

Drag the top barline handle right or left

Display a beat chart

Click the second barline (or middle if there are three) handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Beat Chart from the contextual menu.

Display a split-point bar

Click the third (bottom) barline handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Split Points from the contextual menu.

Move a beat horizontally in all staves

Drag one of the lower handles in the beat chart

Move a beat and all subsequent beats horizontally in all staves

SHIFT+drag one of the lower handles in the beat chart

Add another pair of beat positioning handles

Double-click between two upper handles of a beat chart

Display the Beat Chart Element dialog box

Double-click an upper handle in the beat chart

Delete a beat chart pair from the beat chart

Click on an upper handle to select it and press DELETE

Change a barline

Right-click the handle and select Barlines, then the desired barline type (Normal, Double, Final, Solid, Dashed, Invisible, Tick) from the contextual menu.

Display a handle on every measure number

Click the Measure tool

Display the Measure Number dialog box

SHIFT+double-click on the Measure tool.

Reset measure number positioning

Press BACKSPACE, or right-click the handle and select Restore Default Position from the contextual menu.

Delete a measure number

Press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Move a measure number

Drag the measure number’s handle

Display the Enclosure Designer dialog box

Double-click a measure number’s handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Enclosure from the contextual menu.

Force a measure number to appear

CTRL-click a measure without a measure number

Force measure numbers on a measure in all staves of a staff system

CTRL+SHIFT-click on a measure

Remove a multimeasure rest

Right-click the handle and select remove a multimeasure rest from the contextual menu.

Mirror Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display Mirror and Placeholder icons

Click the Mirror tool

Display the Placeholder dialog box

Highlight a measure with notes or with a Placeholder icon

Display the Tilting Mirror dialog box

Double-click an empty measure or a measure with a Mirror icon

Display the Mirror Attributes dialog box

SHIFT+double-click a measure with a Mirror icon

Note Mover Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display a handle on every notehead in the measure

Click a measure

Select a handle or handles

Click, SHIFT-click, drag-enclose or SHIFT+drag-enclose the handles

Delete selected notes (still in their original measure)

Press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Move or Copy notes to another measure

Drag a note or a group of notes to the end of the measure and the selected action in the Note Mover menu will take place

Copy notes to the beginning of a measure

Drag a note or a group of notes to the beginning of the measure (if the measure isn’t rhythmically full)

Ossia Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display handles on every ossia measure

Click the Ossia tool in Page View

Display a handle on a measure-assigned ossia measure

Click the Ossia tool in Scroll View and click the measure to which the Ossia measure is attached

Display the Ossia Measure Designer dialog box

In Page View, double-click anywhere on the document; In Scroll View click a measure with no ossia measure attached, or double-click a measure with an ossia measure attached; Double-click a floating measure’s handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Ossia Definition from the contextual menu.

Select an ossia measure

Click the ossia measure’s handle

Move a selected ossia measure

Drag the handle

Delete a selected ossia measure

Press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Display the Page Assignment for Ossia Measure dialog box

SHIFT+double-click a page-assigned floating measure’s handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Ossia Assignment from the contextual menu (in Page View).

Display the Measure Assignment for Ossia Measure dialog box

SHIFT+double-click a measure-assigned floating measure’s handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Ossia Assignment from the contextual menu.

Page Layout Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display Page and System margins

Click the Page Layout tool

Resize page, margins or system

Drag a handle in Page View

Move a system

Drag the system in Page View

Move a system without moving other systems

Hold down CTRL and drag the center of a staff system

Select handles

Drag-enclose to select handles

Select all system handles


Repeat Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Repeat menu

Click the Repeat tool

Display the Repeat Selection dialog box

Double-click a selected repeat

Delete a text repeat, repeat barline

Click on the handle and press DELETE, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Move a text repeat

Select the handle and drag.

Change the size of a repeat barline’s bracket

Drag the repeat bracket handle up or down, left or right

Display the Repeat Designer dialog box

Double-click a text repeat handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Repeat Definition from the contextual menu.

Display the Backward Repeat Bar Assignment dialog box

Double-click a repeat barline handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Repeat Assignment from the contextual menu.

Display the Ending Repeat Bar Assignment dialog box

Double-click a repeat ending number handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Repeat Assignment from the contextual menu.

Display the Repeat Assignment dialog box

SHIFT+double-click a text repeat handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Repeat Assignment from the contextual menu.

Resize Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Reduce or enlarge a notehead

Click on the notehead or right-click and select Resize Notehead from the contextual menu.

Reduce or enlarge an entire note or beam group

Click on the note stem or right-click and select Resize Note or Rest from the contextual menu.

Reduce or enlarge a staff

In Page View, click on the staff or right-click and select Resize Staff from the contextual menu.

Reduce or enlarge a system

In Page View, click between any two staves in the system or right-click and select Resize System from the contextual menu.

Reduce or enlarge a page, or a range of pages

In Page View, click the upper-left corner of the page or right-click and select Resize Page from the contextual menu.

Selection Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Switch to Selection tool


Select an item

Click on the item

Select the appropriate tool to edit item

With item selected, double-click or press ENTER

Select between overlapping items

Click on the item then press plus or minus to cycle through overlapping items. Or, just clicking the mouse again cycles through the overlapping items.

Display the Fit Measures dialog box

CTRL+ M (Page View only)

Lock currently selected systems

+L (or, L with the Selection tool selected)

Unlock currently selected systems

+U (or, U with the Selection tool selected)

Select a measure or measures

Click to select a full measure. Drag-enclose to select a region including partial measures. To contrain to full measures, hold down SHIFT while drag-enclosing.

Extend a partial measure selection to include only full measures.

Double-click the selected region.

Extend a selection of measures vertically

  • Press SHIFT+UP ARROWto extend selection up or SHIFT+DOWN ARROW to extend selection down.
  • Double-click a selected measure to include the entire vertical measure “stack” (that measure in all staves); The first double-click selects a single full measure, and the second double-click selects the measure stack; SHIFT-click on a staff above or below a selected region to extend selection to that staff.
  • Hold down SHIFT and press Page Up to select all staves to the top staff of the system.
  • Hold down SHIFT and press Page Down to select all staves to the bottom staff of the system.

Extend a selection of measure horizontally

  • While holding down SHIFT, press right arrow or left arrow to extend selection to the next or previous note.
  • Press SHIFT+CTRL and press the right arrow or left arrow to extend the selection by full measures. (Choose to adjust the beginning of the selected region by first pressing SHIFT left arrow. Choose to adjust the end of the selected region by first pressing SHIFT right arrow.) If there are no notes in the measure, Finale selects the entire measure.
  • Hold down SHIFT and press the END key to select all measures to the end of the score.
  • Hold down SHIFT and press the HOME key to select all measures to the beginning of the score.

Select a staff or staves

Click to the left of a staff; SHIFT-click to the left of a staff to extend the selection

Move or copy and paste a selected section of music

Drag the region so it is superimposed on the beginning of another region, which elements to be copied are selected in the Edit menu before you drag (See Edit Filter dialog box). The target region can include a portion of the source region. Or,

CTRL-click the place where the selected elements should be copied or moved to.

Move or copy and insert a selected section of music

Hold down the ALT key and drag the region so a red (or green) Insertion Cursor appears at the beginning of another region. Which elements to be inserted are selected in the Edit menu before you drag (See Edit Filter dialog box). The target region can include a portion of the source region. Inserting pushed subsequent notes in the staff to the right the duration of the inserted material.

Move or copy and paste specific items from a selected section of music

Drag the region so it is superimposed on the beginning of another region, which elements and whether you are moving or copying are selected in the Edit menu before you drag (See Edit Filter dialog box). The target region can include a portion of the source region.  

CTRL+SHIFT-click the place where the selected elements should be copied or moved to. Choose the items you want to copy and click OK.

Move or copy and paste a selected section of music multiple times

Highlight the source region and press CTRL+C to copy. Highlight the target and press ALT+CTRL+V. ENTER the number of copies in the Paste Multiple dialog box and click OK.

Select all (measure stack in all measures)


Display the Clip dialog box

Press CTRL or SHIFT while choosing Cut or Copy from the Edit menu

Display the Paste dialog box

Press CTRL while choosing Paste in the Edit menu

Clear selected music

Select a region of music and press BACKSPACE

Delete selected measures

Select a measure stack (double-click) and press BACKSPACE

Move selected measures to the previous or next staff system



Cancel an operation

Press ESC

Implode Music (displays the Implode Music dialog box)

Select the measures you want to affect, then press 1 on your computer keyboard.

Drag-Implode Music for multiple staves (displays the Implode Music dialog box)

Press I while dragging selected measures to their destination.

Drag-Explode Music for multiple staves (displays the Explode Music dialog box)

Hold down E while drag copying to the target region.

· Respace notes, lyrics, and accidentals (Apply Beat Spacing command) using the settings in Document Options-Music Spacing

With the Selection tool, select the measures you want to affect, then press 5 on your computer keyboard. In all tools that allow regional selection, press CTRL+5.

· Respace notes, lyrics, and accidentals (Apply Note Spacing command) using the settings in Document Options-Music Spacing

With the Selection tool, select the measures you want to affect, then press 4 on your computer keyboard. In all tools that allow regional selection, press CTRL+4.

· Show elapsed time based on current tempo (displays the Elapsed Time dialog box)

Select the measures you want to affect, then press 3 on your computer keyboard.

· Transpose (programmable)

With the Selection tool, select the measures you want to affect, then press any number between 6 and 9 on your computer keyboard. (CTRL+6 through 9 without the Selection tool selected.

· Program Transpositions

SHIFT+CTRL+6 through 9

Select or deselect the SmartFind Source Region


Display the Apply SmartFind and Paint dialog box



Simple Entry Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Accidental: Double Flat

SHIFT+ - (minus)

Accidental: Double Sharp


Accidental: Flat


Accidental: Sharp


Accidental: Half Step Up

Numpad +

Accidental: Half Step Down

Numpad -

Accidental: Natural


Accidental: Show/Hide courtesy accidental

CTRL+SHIFT+ - (minus)

Add Interval: Unison through octave above

1 through 8

Add Interval: Ninth above


Add Interval: Second through ninth below

SHIFT+2 through 9

Add Pitch: A-G

SHIFT+A through G

Add Pitch: At caret pitch


Add/Change Items: Articulation

(trigger articulation entry)

ALT+A or Numpad * (and then the articulation metatool or press the keystroke again to choose articulation)

Add/Change Items: Articulation-Sticky


Add/Change Items: Clef

(trigger clef entry)


Add/Change Items: Key Signature

(trigger key signature entry)


Add/Change Items: Time Signature

(trigger time signature entry)


Add/Change Items: Expression

(trigger expression entry)

X or ALT+X

Change Pitch (caret or selected note): Step Down Diatonically


Change Pitch (caret or selected note): Step Up Diatonically


Change Pitch: Octave Down Diatonically


Change Pitch: Octave Up Diatonically


Duration: 12864th through Double Whole

ALT+Numpad 0-8 or ALT0-8

Duration: Augmentation Dot

. (Decimal point in Numpad) or . (Period)

Duration: Tuplet - Create Default

9 or Numpad 9

Duration: Tuplet - Create User-Defined

ALT+Numpad 9 or ALT+9 (or SHIFT-click in a measure with the Simple Tuplet tool chosen)

Enter Note: At Caret Pitch

ENTER or RETURN (with Simple Entry Caret active)

Enter Note: A-G


Enter Rest


Modify: Beam - Break


Modify: Beam - Flat


Modify: Beam - Use Default


Modify: Change Pitch Enharmonically


Modify: Delete


Modify: Grace Note


Modify: Show/Hide


Modify: Stem - Flip


Modify: Stem - Use Default


Modify: Tie to Next Note

T or Numpad /

Modify: Tie to Previous Note

SHIFT+T or CTRL+Numpad /

Modify: Flip Tie


Modify: Move note just entered with caret up diatonically


Modify: Move note just entered with caret down diatonically


Toggle note to rest (selected note or note just entered with caret)


Navigation: Caret/Selection - Clear


Navigation: Caret - Step Down


Navigation: Caret - Step Up


Navigation: Caret - Octave Down


Navigation: Caret - Octave Up


Navigation: Selection - Down


Navigation: Selection - Up


Navigation: Selection - One Entry Left

Left arrow

Navigation: Selection - One Entry Right

Right arrow

Navigation: Selection - One Measure Left


Navigation: Selection: One Measure Right


Navigation: Selection: Select All


Navigation: Switch Tool (and clear other selections)

Double-click tool or quickly repeat tool selection keyboard shortcut

Selection: Select a note within a chord without clearing previous selection (in entry)

CTRL+SHIFT-click the note or rest

Tool: Accidental - Flat

ALT+ - (Minus)

Tool: Accidental - Natural


Tool: Accidental - Sharp

ALT+ =

Tool: Augmentation Dot

CTRL+ Numpad . (decimal point) or SHIFT+. (Period)

Tool: Eraser


Tool: Grace Note


Tool: 64th Note through Double Whole Note

Numpad 1-8 (or CTRL+ALT+SHIFT 1-8)

Tool: 128th Note


Tool: 64th Rest through Double Whole Rest

CTRL+Numpad 1-8

Tool: Repitch

SHIFT+‘ (Accent) or CTRL+R

Tool: Toggle Note/Rest


Tool: Tuplet

CTRL+9 or CTRL+Numpad 9

Tool: Tie

ALT+Numpad / or CTRL+SHIFT+T

TAB-Add Note on String 1-9

ALT 1-9

TAB-Add Note on String: At Caret Pitch


TAB-Add Note at Caret String


TAB-Change Pitch: Increment Fret Number

= or Numpad +

TAB-Change Pitch: Decrement Fret Number

- or Numpad -

TAB-Change String: Down One


TAB-Change String: Up One


TAB-Change to Fret Number: 0-9

CTRL+SHIFT 0-9 or ALT+Numpad 0-9 (type two numbers quickly for two digit numbers)

TAB-Duration: 64th through Double Whole


TAB-Duration: 128th Note

CTRL+ALT ‘ (Accent)

TAB-Duration: Augmentation Dot

. (period) or Numpad . (decimal point)

TAB-Duration:Tuplet - Create Default

ALT+0 or CTRL+ALT 9 or CTRL+ALT+Numpad 9

TAB-Duration:Tuplet - Create User Defined


TAB-Enter Note on Fret 0-9 or A-K

Numpad 0-9 or A-K

TAB-Enter Note on Fret 10-19 or L-U

CTRL+numpad 0-9 or L-Q

TAB-Enter Rest


TAB-Modify: Delete


TAB-Modify: Grace Note




TAB-Modify: Tie to Next Note

T or Numpad /

TAB-Modify: Tie to Previous Note

SHIFT+T or CTRL+Numpad /

TAB-Modify: Toggle Note/Rest


TAB-Navigation: Caret/Selection - Clear


TAB-Navigation: Move caret to string 1-9


TAB-Navigation: String Up


TAB-Navigation: String Down


TAB-Tool: Augmentation Dot

CTRL+Numpad . (decimal) or SHIFT+. (period)

TAB-Tool: Eraser


TAB-Tool: Grace Note


TAB-Tool: Note - 64th through Double Whole

CTRL+ALT+SHIFT 1-8 or CTRL+ALT+Numpad 1-8

TAB-Tool: Repitch

CTRL+R or SHIFT+‘ (Accent)

TAB-Tool: Tie

CTRL+SHIFT+T or ALT+Numpad /

TAB-Tool: Toggle Note/Rest


TAB-Tool: Tuplet

0 or CTRL+ALT+Numpad 0

Simple Entry Laptop Set

Laptop users: To use this set, from the Simple menu, choose Simple Entry Options and then click Edit Keyboard Shortcuts. In the Edit Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, from the Name drop-down menu, choose “Laptop Shortcut Table”.


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Accidental: Half Step Up


Accidental: Half Step Down


Accidental: Natural


Accidental: Show/Hide courtesy accidental


Add Interval: 2nd through octave above

F2 through F8

Add Interval: Ninth above


Add Interval: Second through ninth below

SHIFT+F2 through F9

Add Interval: Ninth below


Add Pitch: A-G

SHIFT+A through G

Add Pitch: At caret pitch


Add/Change Items: Articulation

‘ (accent)

Add/Change Items: Articulation-Sticky

ALT+SHIFT+‘ (accent)

Add/Change Items: Clef


Add/Change Items: Key Signature


Add/Change Items: Time Signature


Add/Change Items: Expression

ALT+X (or X)

Change Pitch (caret or selected note): Step Down Diatonically


Change Pitch (caret or selected note): Step Up Diatonically


Change Pitch: Octave Down Diatonically


Change Pitch: Octave Up Diatonically


Duration: 128th through Double Whole

ALT+0 through 8

Duration: Augmentation Dot

. (period)

Duration: Tuplet - Create Default


Duration: Tuplet - Create User-Defined


Enter Note: At Caret Pitch


Enter Note: A-G

A through G

Enter Rest


Modify: Beam - Break


Modify: Beam - Flat


Modify: Beam - Use Default


Modify: Change Pitch Enharmonically


Modify: Delete


Modify: Grace Note


Modify: Show/Hide


Modify: Stem - Flip


Modify: Stem - Use Default


Modify: Tie to Next Note


Modify: Tie to Previous Note


Modify: Flip Tie


Toggle note to rest (selected note or note just entered with caret)


Navigation: Caret/Selection - Clear


Navigation: Caret - Step Down


Navigation: Caret - Step Up


Navigation: Caret - Octave Down


Navigation: Caret - Octave Up


Navigation: Selection - Down


Navigation: Selection - Up


Navigation: Selection - One Entry Left


Navigation: Selection - One Entry Right


Navigation: Selection: Select All


Navigation: Switch Tool (and clear other selections)

Double-click tool or quickly repeat tool selection keyboard shortcut

Selection: Select a note within a chord without clearing previous selection (in entry)

CTRL+SHIFT-click the note or rest

Tool: Accidental - Flat

ALT+- (minus)

Tool: Accidental - Natural


Tool: Accidental - Sharp


Tool: Augmentation Dot


Tool: Eraser


Tool: Grace Note


Tool: 128th Note through Double Whole Note

CTRL+ALT+SHIFT 0 through 8 (or with no selection, 0 through 8)

Tool: Repitch

CTRL+R or SHIFT+‘ (accent)

Tool: Toggle Note/Rest


Tool: Tie


Smart Shape Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Flip a selected Slur or Bend


Flip a selected Slur or Bend (reverse linking behavior)


Change a selected Slur or Bend back to Automatic


Display handles on all smart shapes

Click the Smart Shape tool

Edit or Delete a Smart Shape

Click the handle of the Smart Shape

Select all Smart Shapes on the page


Change the slur’s ending or starting note

Drag or nudge an endpoint handle

Change the slur’s arc height

Drag or nudge a center curve handle

Move from any secondary (diamond) handle to another


Hide secondary handles


Move between primary SmartShape handles


Change the slur’s arc height and angle

SHIFT+drag a center curve handle

Change the slur’s arc and inset asymmetrically

Drag or nudge an inner curve handle

Change the slur’s arc and inset symmetrically

CTRL+drag an inner curve handle

Create an inverted bracket with the hook pointing away from the staff instead of toward the staff. It will also change the text for an 8va or 15ma below the staff or 8vb or 15mb above the staff

CTRL+double-click and drag

Display the Smart Line Selection dialog box

CTRL-click the Custom Line Tool

Add an artificial harmonic (A.H.)

A (Hold down A, then double-click and drag)

Add a bend curve

B (Hold down B, then double-click and drag)

Add a dashed line

D (Hold down D, then double-click and drag)

Add a trill extension

E (Hold down E, then double-click and drag)

Add glissando without text

F (Hold down F, then double-click and drag)

Add a glissando with text

G (Hold down G, then double-click and drag)

Add a Hammer-on (H)

H (Hold down H, then double-click and drag)

Add a Pull-off (P)

3 (Hold down 3, then double-click and drag)

Add a release (R)

5 (Hold down R, then double-click and drag)

Add a Bend (B)

4 (Hold down 4, then double-click and drag)

Add a Hammer-on above slur or tie

2 (Hold down 2, then double-click and drag)

Add a solid line

L (Hold down L, then double-click and drag)

Add a Palm Mute (P.M.)

M (Hold down M, then double-click and drag)

Add a Natural Harmonic (N.H.)

N (Hold down N, then double-click and drag)

Add a slur

S (Hold down S, then double-click and drag)

Add a trill

T (Hold down T, then double-click and drag)

Add a dashed slur

V (Hold down V, then double-click and drag)

Add a TAB slide

X (Hold down X, then double-click and drag)

Add a single-hooked dashed line

Y (Hold down Y, then double-click and drag)

Add a double hooked dashed line

Z (Hold down Z, then double-click and drag)

Add a 15ma or 15mb marking

1 (Hold down 1, then double-click and drag)

Add a bend hat

6 (Hold down 6, then double-click and drag)

Add an 8va or 8vb marking

8 (Hold down 8, then double-click and drag)

Add a single hooked line

K (Hold down K, then double-click and drag)

Add a double-hooked line

O (Hold down (letter) O, then double-click and drag)

Add a crescendo

< (Hold down <, then double-click and drag)

Add a pedal down/pedal up marking

P (Hold down P, then double-click and drag)

Add a custom line (as defined)

C (Hold down C, then double-click and drag)

Add a decrescendo

> (Hold down >, then double-click and drag)

Add a rit.

R (Hold down R, then double-click and drag)


Speedy Entry tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Edit Frame dialog box

CTRL-click any measure that contains music

Remove note, rest or chord


Hide/show note or rest

O or H

Add or remove accidental parentheses


Jump to previous measure

[ (left square bracket) or SHIFT+left arrow

Jump to next measure

] (right square bracket) or SHIFT+right arrow

Flip stem in opposite direction


Restore stem direction to “floating” status


Change to/from a grace note

; (semicolon) or G

Change to/from a slashed flagged grace note

` (accent) or ; (semicolon) or G

Voice 1/2

' (apostrophe)

Move to next layer

SHIFT+' (apostrophe)

Move editing frame down a staff


Move editing frame up a staff


Add or change note (64th–double whole note)


Add or change 128th note

CTRL+0 (zero)

Insert 64th note–whole note

SHIFT+1 through SHIFT+7 (on keyboard only) (with MIDI, while playing note)

Insert double whole note (without MIDI)

SHIFT+8 (on numeric keypad only)

Insert 128th note (without MIDI)

CTRL+SHIFT+0 (zero) (in insert mode only)

Add 64th rest–whole rest (with MIDI)

SHIFT+1 through SHIFT+7 without pressing note

Add rest (with or without MIDI)

CTRL+SHIFT+OPTION+1-7 (on keyboard only)

Add double whole rest (with MIDI)

SHIFT+8 (on numeric keypad only)

Add 128th rest (with MIDI)

CTRLSHIFT+0 (zero)

Add a rest (with Hands-Free MIDI)

play any three note cluster

Toggle Insert mode

insert (or SHIFT+0 (zero) Num Pad only)

Constrain dragging a note (horizontal/vertical)


Begin a tuplet (duplet–octuplet)

CTRL+2 through CTRL+8

Define a tuplet


Raise by a half step

+ (plus) or SHIFT+S

Lower by a half step

– (minus) or SHIFT+F

Raise by a half step (for entire measure)

CTRL+ + (plus)

Lower by a half step (for entire measure)

CTRL+ – (minus)

Flat note


Sharp note


Natural note






Previous note


Next note


Move to first note or rest in measure


Move just beyond last note or rest in measure


Down a step


Up a step


Remove note from chord


Change single note to rest


Tie/untie to next note

= (equals) or T

Tie/untie to previous note

CTRL = (equals) or SHIFT+T

Flip a tie


Restore tie direction to automatic


Break/join beam from previous note

/ (backslash) or B

Restore default beaming


Flatten a beam

\ (forward slash) or M

Show/hide any accidental

* (asterisk)

Show/hide a courtesy accidental


Restore courtesy accidental to Optional status

CTRL+* (asterisk)

Return a rest to its default position

* (asterisk)

Exit measure and redraw/re-enter measure

0 (zero)

Flip a note to its enharmonic equivalent


Flip enharmonic throughout measure

CTRL+9 (cursor on first note in measure)

Add a dot

. (period)

Add a note to a chord


Change a rest to a note


Specify a pitch, high C–B (without MIDI)

Q-W-E-R-T-Y-U (with Caps Lock)

Specify a pitch, middle C–B (without MIDI)

A-S-D-F-G-H-J (with Caps Lock)

Specify a pitch, low C–B (without MIDI)

Z-X-C-V-B-N-M (with Caps Lock)

Raise all pitch keys an octave

, (comma) (with Caps Lock)

Lower all pitch keys an octave

I (letter I) (with Caps Lock)

Restore all pitch keys to normal register

K (with Caps Lock)

Special Tools Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display handles in the measure

Click the Special Tool you want to use and click on the measure

Select a handle or handles

Click, SHIFT-click or drag-enclose, or CTRL+A

Reset the note to its original state


Move selected items very slightly (nudge)

Use the arrow keys

Flip a selected tie


Restore tie direction to automatic


Staff Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display the Staff menu and handles

Click the Staff tool

Select a staff (or staves).

Click a staff or a staff handle, drag-enclose staff handles, or select measures of the staff

Add the staff to the selection. If a staff is already selected, remove the staff from the selection.

SHIFT-click a staff or a staff handle

Display the Staff Attributes dialog box.

Double-click a staff or a staff handle, or double-click a full or abbreviated staff name handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Staff Attributes from the contextual menu.

Add a staff without repositioning the lower staves to make room for the new staff.

Double-click in the score (in Scroll View)

Insert a staff between staves, repositioning the lower staves to make room for the new staff.

SHIFT+double-click below a staff in the score (in Scroll View)

Add a staff to the bottom of the score

Double-click the Staff tool

Display the Group Attributes dialog box.

Double-click a group handle, or double-click a bracket handle, or right-CONTROL-click the group or bracket handle and select Edit Group Attributes from the contextual menu. right-click the staff handle and select Add Group and Bracket from the contextual menu.

Delete the selected staves without repositioning the remaining staves.

Select the staff handle and press SHIFT+DELETE for selected staves, or right-click the handle and select Delete Staves and Reposition from the contextual menu.

Delete the selected staves and reposition the remaining staves.

Press DELETE for selected staves, or right-click the handle and select Delete Staves from the contextual menu.

Adjust the staff’s position only in the current staff system.

Click the staff's handle once and drag in Page View. When you click once, measures in the current system are selected.

Adjust the staff’s position for all systems.

Double-click the staff's handle and drag in Page View. When you double-click a staff handle, all measures of the staff are selected.

Select a group (or groups).

Click a group handle, or drag-enclose group handles

Add the group to the selection. If a group is already selected, remove the group from the selection.

SHIFT-click a group handle

Edit a full or abbreviated group name using the Edit Text window.

CTRL-click a group handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Full Group Name or Edit Abbreviated Group Name from the contextual menu.

Position a group name using the Position Full Group Name or Position Abbreviated Group Name dialog box.

CTRL+SHIFT-click a group handle, or right-click the handle and select Position Full Group Name or Position Abbreviated Group Name from the contextual menu.

Revert the position of the group names to their default position.

Press BACKSPACE for selected groups

Remove the selected group definitions.

Press DELETE for selected groups, or right-click the handle and select Delete Group from the contextual menu.

Adjust the position of a group name.

Drag a group handle

Select a staff name (or names).

Click a staff name handle, or drag-enclose staff name handles

Add the staff name to the selection. If a staff name is already selected, remove the staff name from the selection.

SHIFT-click a full or abbreviated staff name handle

Edit a full or abbreviated staff name using the Edit Text window.

CTRL+double-click a full or abbreviated staff name handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Full Staff Name or Edit Abbreviated Staff Name from the contextual menu

Position the selected staff name using the Position Full Staff Name or Position Abbreviated Staff Name dialog box.

CTRL+SHIFT-click a full or abbreviated staff name handle, or right-click the handle and select Position Full Staff Name or Position Abbreviated Staff Name from the contextual menu.

Revert the position of the full or abbreviated staff name to its default position.

Press BACKSPACE for a selected staff name handle

Adjust the position of the selected staff name.

Drag a full or abbreviated staff name handle

Select a bracket (or brackets).

Click a bracket handle, or drag-enclose several bracket handles

Add the bracket to the selection. If a bracket is already selected, remove the bracket from the selection.

SHIFT-click a bracket handle

Remove the selected brackets.

Press DELETE for selected brackets, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Revert the selected brackets to their default length.

Press BACKSPACE for selected brackets

Make a bracket taller or shorter.

Drag a bracket handle vertically

Move a bracket closer to or away from bracketed staves.

Drag a bracket handle horizontally

Select a clef for the staff.

Right-click the staff handle and select Select Clef from the contextual menu.

Remove Staff Styles from selected region.

Click the Staff Style bar and press DELETE. Or, Select the measures, right click and choose Clear Staff Styles From (and then the desired score/part Option).

Text Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Left Justify text in a text block

CTRL+ [ (left square bracket)

Right Justify text in a text block

CTRL+ ] (right square bracket)

Center Justify text in a text block

CTRL+ ' (apostrophe)

Full Justify text in a text block

CTRL+ ; (semicolon)

Forced Full Justify text in a text block

CTRL+SHIFT+ ; (semicolon)







Increase Point Size by one

CTRL+SHIFT+ . (period)

Decrease Point Size by one

CTRL+SHIFT+ , (comma)

Page Number Text Insert


Sharp sign Text Insert


Flat sign Text Insert


Natural sign Text Insert


Display Character Settings dialog box


Display Line Spacing dialog box


Align Text block to the Left

CTRL+SHIFT+ [ (left square bracket)

Center Text block Horizontally

CTRL+SHIFT+ ' (apostrophe)

Align Text block to the Right

CTRL+SHIFT+ ] (right square bracket)

Align Text block to the Top

CTRL+ - (minus)

Center Text block Vertically

CTRL+SHIFT+ = (equals)

Align Text block to the Bottom

CTRL+SHIFT - (minus)

Display the Standard Frame dialog box


Display the Custom Frame dialog box


Display the Frame Attributes dialog box

CTRL+SHIFT+ T or SHIFT+double-click a text block handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Frame Attributes from the contextual menu.

Display the Text menu

Click the Text tool

Display handles on text blocks

Click the Text tool

Select a text block or text blocks

Click a text block handle or drag-enclose text block handles, SHIFT-click a text block handle

Create an unbounded frame that expands as you enter text

Double-click in the score

Create a bounded, fixed-size frame for text

Double-click and drag in the score

Edit the text block

Double-click a text block handle, or right-click the handle and select Edit Text from the contextual menu.

Delete the selected text blocks

Press DELETE for one or more selected text blocks, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Adjust the text block’s position in the score

Drag a selected text block handle

Tuplet Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Display positioning handles

Click the first note of a tuplet

Position tuplet

Drag a positioning handle

Delete tuplet

Press DELETE for selected tuplet, or right-click the handle and select Delete from the contextual menu.

Display the Tuplet Definition dialog box

Double-click a positioning handle or the first note in a group that you want to define as tuplets, or right-click the handle and select Edit Tuplet Definition from the contextual menu.

Display the Default Tuplet Visual Definition dialog box

CTRL+Double-click the Tuplet tool, or right-click the Tuplet tool and select Edit Tuplet Definition from the context menu

Zoom Tool


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Zoom in

Click the score or press CTRL+ +

Zoom out

CTRL-click the score or press CTRL+ -(minus)

Temporary switch to Zoom Tool: zoom in

S-click the right-button

Temporary switch to Zoom Tool: zoom out

CTRL+S-click the right-button

Fill the screen with the selected area

Drag-enclose an area



Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Begin/stop playing


Begin playing (Playback Controls closed) from the measure clicked

SPACEBAR-click in staff

Begin playing from the clicked measure in the clicked staff only

SHIFT+SPACEBAR-click in staff

Begin playing from measure one in all staves

SPACEBAR-click to the left of a staff system

Begin playing from measure 1 for the clicked staff

SPACEBAR-SHIFT-click to the left of staff

“Scrub” onscreen music - all staves

CTRL+spacebar (and drag across music)

“Scrub” onscreen music - clicked staff only

CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR (and drag across music)

Shape Designer


Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click

Send to Back


Send to Front








File Menu

Edit Menu

Window Menu

View Menu

Utilities Menu

Articulation Tool


Clef Tool

Expression Tool

Graphics Tool

Hand Grabber Tool

HyperScribe Tool

Transcription Mode

Lyrics Tool

Measure Tool

Mirror Tool

Note Mover Tool

Ossia Tool

Page Layout Tool


Repeat Tool

Resize Tool

Selection Tool

Simple Entry Tool

Simple Entry Laptop

Smart Shape Tool

Speedy Entry Tool

Special Tools Tool

Staff Tool

Text Tool

Tuplet Tool

Zoom Tool


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