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Traduction française :


Vous êtes ici : Reference > Dialog Boxes > C > Create Ending dialog box

Create/Edit Ending dialog box

How to get there

Create Ending: Click the Repeat Tool  , and highlight the measures you want to include in the ending. Right-click and select Create Ending. Or, after selecting the desired measures, from the Repeat menu, choose Create Ending. Or, double-click a measure. The Repeat Selection dialog box appears. Double-click an ending graphic repeat.

Edit Ending: Right-click an existing ending and choose Edit Ending.

What it does

In this dialog box, you can specify the properties of a repeat ending, including the text and playback


Tip: To easily create repeats with a standard first and second ending, select the desired first ending measure(s) and from the Repeat menu, choose Create First and Second Endings.

See Also:

Repeats (barlines and text indications)

Repeat Tool



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