- Choose Window >
Advanced Tools. Click the Mirror
, and SHIFT+double-click the
mirrored measure. The Mirror Attributes window appears.
- If you want to rebeam the notes in the measure,
click Rebeam, and specify a rebeaming option. Rebeam to Time Signature
beams the notes in the usual way, correcting any peculiar beaming that
arose from the use of composite mirroring. If you click Rebeam to Beam
Chart, a window appears with a handle on each eighth (or smaller value)
note in the measure. In this window, you break the beam to a note (from
the previous note) by clicking its handle. Any notes whose handles you
haven’t selected will be beamed when you return to the document. (To
beam all notes together, select the first handle in the measure.) Click
OK when you’re finished.
- If you want the mirror to display only selected
notes (instead of all notes) from the source measure, click Selective
Mirror ID. A picture of the complete composite mirror appears,
with a handle on every note. Click the handles of the notes you want to
include in this sub-selection of your composite mirror, known as a selective
mirror. Any handles you don’t select will be omitted from the final display
of the measure (or turned into rests). You can use a selective mirror
to select the melody notes within a triadic passage, for example. Click
OK when you’re finished selecting handles.
- Specify a transposition, if desired. Click