You are here: Encyclopedia > M > MIDI > Copying or erasing captured (or edited) MIDI data
Once you’ve either captured MIDI data or
edited MIDI data in the score (using the MIDI tool), you can either copy
this MIDI data to other parts of the score or erase it completely from
a selected region. For example, if you’re creating a piano piece in which
the sustain pedal should be pressed at the beginning of each measure and
released at the end, you only have to create this pattern of MIDI controller
data once using the MIDI tool. Thereafter, you can simply copy the “pedaling”
data from that one measure to any other measures in the score.
When you “erase” MIDI data, you’re erasing
variations from the default value of the particular MIDI data you’re editing.
For example, if you erase Key Velocity data from a region, you’re effectively
restoring the default velocity value (such as 64) to every note in the
region. (You set this default velocity value in the Base Key Velocity
box [choose Playback Controls from the Windows menu, click the speaker icon].) Similarly, if you erase Note Duration (Start/Stop Time)
data from a region, you’re erasing the difference between the notated
attacks and releases of the notes and the actual attack and release points
(as recorded in HyperScribe or edited with the MIDI tool). In short, you’re
restoring the playback of the selected region to a straightforward, “perfect”
rhythmic feel.
- Choose Window >
Advanced Tools. Click the MIDI
. The MIDI tool menu appears.
- Choose MIDI tool > Key Velocities, Note Durations,
or Continuous Data; if you choose Continuous Data, a dialog box appears
so that you can specify which kind of MIDI continuous data you want to
edit. Click the appropriate button (Sustain Pedal, Modulation Wheel, and
so on), or enter the continuous data number in the text box. Click OK.
- Select the region whose playback data you want
to affect. Click to select one measure, SHIFT+click to select additional
measures, drag-enclose to select several on-screen measures, click to
the left of the staff to select the entire staff, or choose Edit > Select All.
- To erase the selected MIDI data type from the
selected region, press BACKSPACE,
or use the Selection tool to clear Continuous Data.
- To copy the selected MIDI data type to another
region, drag the selected region so that it’s superimposed on the first
target measure. If the first target measure is not on-screen, scroll
until you see it. Then, while pressing CTRL+ALT simultaneously,
click the first target measure. The Paste Multiple
dialog box appears (unless the first target measure is directly above
or below the first source measure).
- Type the number of times you want the material
(horizontally) copied. Click OK (or press ENTER).