You are here: Encyclopedia > L > Lyrics > Preparing lyrics in a separate window

This is the first step to adding lyrics to the score using the Click Assignment method.

To prepare lyrics in a separate window

  1. Click the Lyrics tool  image\Lyric_Tool.gif. The Lyrics window appears.
  2. Type the lyrics, including hyphens within polysyllabic words. If you’ve copied lyrics from another program (such as a word processor), press CTRL+V (for Paste). If you make a mistake, BACKSPACE over it with the BACKSPACE key. If you’re anticipating a melisma (one syllable held over several notes), type Alt+0160 and a regular space for each extra note through which the syllable is held. (Word extensions will be placed in the score where appropriate).

You can cut (by pressing CTRL+X), copy (by pressing CTRL+C), or paste (by pressing CTRL+V) any selected text; select text by dragging through it. To view another Verse (or Chorus, or Section), select it from the drop-down lists menus.

  1. When you’re finished, click OK.



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