When you begin a document with the Setup Wizard, a template, or new default document, all of the existing expressions defined for playback are performed by Human Playback (though their playback definitions are substituted with Human Playback’s interpretation based on the style chosen). Human playback recognizes articulation and all other standard performance markings in your score (see Human Playback). In addition, Human Playback looks for any expression or Smart Shapes that contains common words used for tempo and dynamic changes such as "rit." and "cresc.". These expressions, which can be typed into a new expression, are also interpreted during the performance. The following list includes the words Human Playback will recognize and perform. Note that any dots, extra spaces, parenthesis or brakets are ignored as Human Playback looks for these words in the score. For details on adding expressions, see Expressions. To add text as a Smart Shape, use the "Left Start"option to add text in the Smart Line Selection dialog box. If defining or editing a Human Playback style, ensure the appropriate item is checked under Interpret in the Human Playback Custom Style dialog box.
Tempo ("rall", "acc.") |
acc, accel, accelerando, accelerato, affretando, incalzando, ristringendo, stringendo, string, stretto, en pressant, pressez, en accélérant, faster, beschleunigend, eilend, drängend, belebend, rall, rallentando, calando, rit, ri, ritar, riten, ritenuto, ritenente, ritardando, slargando, morendo, ritardo, allargando, allarg, retenu, rallentir, en retenant, en cédant, cédez, zurückhaltend, breiterwerdend, breiter, a tempo, tempo, on time, au mouvement, zeitmass, zeitmaß |
Dynamics |
cresc, crescendo, en augmentant, augmentez, erhebend, aufschlagend, dim, dimin, diminuendo, decrescendo, decresc, decr, perdendosi, smorzando, smorz, en diminuant, en s’éloignant, en atténuant, abnehmend, nachlassend, nachgebend, fz, sf, sfz, sffz, rf, rfz, fp, fp, sfp, ffp, fpp, ffpp, ffpp, sfpp |
All of the above can be combined with the following, which can be used to modify the playback effect:
poco a poco, peu à peu, nach und nach, little by little, sempre, toujours, always, immer, molto, moltissimo, moltiss, très, beaucoup, much, un poco, poco, pochissimo, poch, un peu, légèrement, etwas, a little
Human Playback also interprets the following:
con pedale, ped., pedale, solo, non arpeggio, g.p., grand pause
In addition to text, Human Playback also
recognizes musical characters from the Finale music fonts (Maestro, Engraver,
etc.), including symbols like trills, accents and turns. You can even
combine characters in the Expression Designer. For example, entering
a turn with accidentals above and/or below, such as ,
will be recognized and performed. For this example, you would simply add
the characters into an expression as you want it to appear and then
attach the expression to the desired note. Similarly, you can add an accidental
to a trill character or other such symbols to customize the performance.
Abstract of ornaments caught: Trill (short, long), trill on several notes or several layers, trill with changing notes behind (long piano trill), trill with specified accidental (as articulation or within the smartshape/expression), trillo (short baroque trill), mordent, all Bach/Couperin ornaments (mostly found in November font), including cadenza and coulé, gruppeto (with specified accidental(s) or not, can be combined with mordent like in Bach), Baroque appogiatura, classical accacciatura, timpani/drum trill, all Jazz Font ornaments (prebend, bend, doit, fall, …) as articulation, jazz shake (wavy line), guitar expression tremolo (wavy line).
Maestro font (or any Maestro map-compatible font, such as Petrucci, November, etc.):
EngraverExtra font:
Abstract of tremolos caught: TG tools piano tremolos (measured or not), string tremolos (as articulation), including harmonic tremolo, xylophone tremolo (alternate notes, written as diddle as in marching bands), percussion diddles, tuplet based/dotted tremolos.
Gruppetti (Music
Font char. 84), d (November Extra char. 100) or g (November Extra char.
103) are tracked by HP.
Ornaments (articulations): Popular ornaments are lower mordent
(char #77) and trillo (=upper
(short trill, char#109),
(char #181) long trillo.
Special November Extra font ornaments are char. # 101 to 121:
Basically, symbols above are French and German baroque ornaments, and HP takes a great care of their interpretation.
If option Baroque Ornaments and Grace Notes is checked, the symbol "+" (char #43 and 246) plays back either as lower mordent, or trillo (if not checked, it is used for Trombone stopped notes.)
Punctual accents:
Jazz Articulations:
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