To save space on the page, it may be appropriate to hide certain measures that include music from the score, while leaving this music visible in the part (e.g for cue notes or for instruments that are playing in unison). If you do not need to hide an entire staff, but would like to hide staves with music from certain systems, do the following:
- Click the Staff tool
. The Staff menu
- Select all measures in the staff system you would like to hide The measure layout of the piece should be final before hiding measures with music from specific systems.
- Choose Staff > Apply Staff Style To > Current Score/Part. The Apply Staff Style dialog box appears.
- Choose Force Hide Staff (Collapse). The staff disappears in that system only. In order to hide and collapse, all measures in the system must be selected. If not all measures in the system are selected, Finale will hide and not collapse (i.e. like cutaway).
- Repeat the process for other systems/staves as needed.
To view staves that have been force hidden, and/or remove this Staff Style and show the music, move to Scroll View. Hidden staves are always visible in Scroll View.