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3-staff Piano

A 3-staff piano includes three staves with a single bracket on each system. Finale does not include a 3-staff piano Instrument in its database, but you can create one easily by following a few simple steps.

To create a 3-staff piano

  1. With either the Setup Wizard or Score Manager, add both a Piano and a Blank Staff Instrument.
  2. If you used the Setup Wizard, choose WindowScore Manager.
  3. Click the expand arrow next to the Piano Name to display the three staves.

Use the Score Manager to define the starting clef for each staff.

  1. Use the controls in the lower portion of the Score Manager to define the starting clef for each of the three staves.
  2. Click the Staff tool .
  3. Choose StaffGroup and Brackets > Edit.
  4. From the drop-down menu at the top, ensure "Piano" is selected (the one you intend to change to 3-staff).
  5. Click the Bottom Staff drop-downmenu and choose Staff 3 (or the staff name of the Blank Staff you added beneath the Piano).
  6. Click OK. Although the Score Manager has two Instruments, three staves are now bracketed with barlines extending through them, accurately representing a 3-staff piano throughout the document.

To create a 3-staff piano part

  1. After you have followed the above steps to create a 3-staff piano, choose DocumentManage Parts.
  2. Under "Linked Parts" (left column), choose the Piano staff and click Delete. Do the same for the Part # staff.
  3. Click New Part.
  4. Click Edit Part Definition to expand the dialog box.
  5. To name the part, click Edit Part Name, type the name of the part, and click OK.
  6. Under "Available Instruments" (right column), choose Piano. (You can click the + icon to the left to see the three staves enclosed).
  7. Click OK. The appearance of the 3-staff piano matches that of the score.



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